September 2020 Goals

September Goals.jpg

We’re midway through September, but it’s not too late to share this month’s goals! Especially because I’ve already been making some progress on some of them! :)

I also need to take a minute and share with you all how excited I am that fall is so. close. The temperatures have started to cool off and even though we’ll probably have another week or so of hot days before it’s really here, fall is on its way. I’ve already worn turtlenecks this week. Turtlenecks!

On my calendar this month:

  • We had a Mulan-a-thon with my mom on the day the new Mulan movie was released on Disney+. It was so much fun, and we really enjoyed the new movie!

  • I also had a long weekend at the start of the month for Labor Day, and it was so nice to have that extended break to slow down and rest.

What I’m loving right now:

  • Sydney has been struggling to go on longer walks now for a while, so we bought her this Rover backpack from K9 Sport Sack. We took it out for its inaugural spin yesterday and I think it’s going to really help us include her more during our outside time!

  • I started reading the book Kitchen Garden Revival and am learning so much about how to really make the most out of our vegetable and herb garden areas! There is more that I need to think about as I continue to read, but it’s getting me excited to plan out next year’s kitchen garden and really extend our growing seasons.

September goals:

  • Finish cleaning up the gardens for fall

  • Go on two weekend hikes with Kurt and Sydney

  • Finish two knitting works in progress

  • Setting a weekly laundry routine with Kurt and follow it (leftover from last month)

  • Our decluttering project for this month will (again) be the storage closets and areas throughout the house since I didn’t get that done last month

  • Finish paying off my college student loans

  • Call a credit card company and set up a payment plan for some behind payments

As a reminder, many of these monthly goals are directly related to my overall goals for 2020!

Since fall is so close, I want to know how you’re going to celebrate this change in seasons! What are you looking forward to about the transition? Do you have any favorite fall traditions or recipes you revisit every year? How do you make the most of the change in weather and cooler temperatures? I’d love to hear from you!